OUR world changed outwardly and visibly in 2020 with the start of the lockdowns, and this is why I say outwardly as we now know, but not through what would be deemed as conspiracy theories channels, but directly from their (the systems) own admissions.
Patents on all and everything C19 & pharma related going back decades, have been discovered. There have been world meetings, forums, summits all discussing population reduction, pandemics, food poverty, energy control, weather manipulation, right through to the evolution of man, their ultimate goal playing GOD. This has been going on for longer than we can imagine. With us mainly ignoring what was and is actually going on.

But we know that this is not news to all of us. Many, through many different mediums have been telling us about this alternative satanic underworld. Even the same perpetrators’ have been showing in plain sight everything, mostly so far-fetched, that we believed that only in the movies could such disturbing debauched goings on exist.
blockbuster or it could be the earthquake that causes the disastrous tsunami. The food shortages, practically anything that is a possible life taking event in these times, has been a movie, a book, an area for high media attention thus keeping the fear factor high in everyone’s consciousness.
What we need to look into, is the possibility that the whole universe is also going through a major shift into the Aquarian ages and with this we (Man/Wombman) are also evolving. The times when we needed to seek information from external mediums, has changed. This is something that we have the natural abilities within all of us to tap into

We all have the ability to enter into the universal consciousness, which is the ultimate truth.
The times when the masses are blinkered from the real truth has ended. Through our own individual divine connection into the universal truth that we are all able to hear and feel naturally (but few of us trust that information being channelled) we are able to know whatever we need to know by being conscious enough to be able to tap into it.
While writing this, I had the calling to do a bit of researching on the subject of Universal Consciousness. Below is the first link I came across.
“And how can one regain Universal Consciousness? Through unselfish love, self-sacrifice, caring, giving, seeing the illusions of self-consciousness that we carry with us in our mind and breaking them”.
This page is full of great information for those of us who have the questioning energy. A good look through the page will open you up to the real simplicity of how to overstand and tap into Universal consciousness.
“The Universal Conscious mind, by some called the super-Consciousness or Universal Consciousness is a very important concept to grasp. It is that awareness that exists within each and every Soul”
The statement above is the opening statement in the paper “What Universal Consciousness is and how to achieve it”. The paper goes on to say:
“The Universal Conscious mind in all of us is the portion made in the image of the creator, as recorded in Genesis. It is that portion of us that is God or godlike.
The Universal Conscious mind is separate from anything earthly, and only makes its presence known or is knowable when the Soul-self lifts itself and portions of the conscious mind up into the vast, expansive level that is the super-conscious”
The time we are in now, is a very, very special time. The hold that the system had over us all has weakened and will come to an end, this is where we need to question ourselves as to whether we are ready for CHANGE or is that a step too far. Many will say I’m taking the P but real change is not easy or something that can be taken lightly.
For many of us if we take a real look at our lives. The job you do for instance. What would happen if that job did not exist, how does it impact on your fellow Man/Wombman? How dependent are you on your job? For many of us our jobs would not keep Man/Wombman alive, for many of us it could be the opposite. My example is in my past workings I was a mortgage broker. At the time I felt that I was being of good use to my fellow Man/Wombman only to later on, realise that I was helping in the entrapment for life that the system has lined up for us all.
Family, friends, possession, how much are they of a benefit to your existence or are they just trappings that are holding you down?

The question “Are we ready?” is deep, we need to be able to look at everything and evaluate whatever it is with a brutal honesty that looks at all sides benefits and entrapments, short term, long term and more. Financially, what’s the reality? Are you chasing your tail keeping the system going. Are you on a plan? Family commitments? Are your children in the
system that is looking at confusing children as to what they should be identifying as, more than what we knew as basics math, English history (sadly the real truths where never taught) our youths are being conditioned into something that nobody knows. AI managed. The soul will no longer be within them. The question ‘are we ready’ is so deep that we must really take a look at the worlds future that is being portrayed.
I have been writing this blog for 12months plus now. I have been and still feel in a state of feeling that it has been groundhog day for as far back as I can remember. Progression feels to have been put in the holding bay, everything is hovering around in the minds eye, but can’t go forward. Why? Until the masses have got the vibration that releases the wave of energy that is ready to enter each and everyone of us, there will always be a weak link. We can never make full progress until there are no weak links.
So are we ready?
Yes we are ready. Ready to, by example get the weak links strengthened and or replaced. We are in an age where we KNOW what’s to be done. The age of AQUARIUS is the Time of knowing and needs to be fully embraced with full faith in the energies that have got you to reading this blog. Energies and vibrations that are there for us all to tap into with receptors that are within each and every one of us.

I know through my own journey to date everything has been gearing Iman up for these times. Those of you who really know me, know how focused I am and of my strengths and weaknesses. The whole driving force behind the LIVITY LIVING Life Natural group, is about surviving the times we are in right now. So that by example the ethos is alive and being shared. Dis~ease prevention, living a self sufficient lifestyle, grouped together providing for each other. We are doing these things
but it’s so weak and fickle that only a handful are and will continue to benefit and through this will truly evolve into the higher heights that so many say they are working towards attaining.
My aim for this blog is to get interaction going firstly here online. Those of you who want to really move, grow, evolve, create the difference. If you are serious please make time to have a look at my previous blogs Where I have been putting out information on natural living and will give a background as to the way that I am being guided. We are very blessed to be alive and conscious in these times as we are the links, we are the ones the wickedness didn’t account for, the visionaries that have a whole new world to help bridge. The growing of what we all collectively vision as a future for the generations coming. The world where giving is normal, hunger eradicated, homelessness a thing of the past, A world where we are back on the path that is meant to be.
I know I am guided, protected and strengthened, my faith in the joy that I vision I feel is rewarded with the quality of life that my full faith is providing. This faith in turn is what creates my force shield, It’s the key that opens my mind to the information being sent to me directly via the ethers. We all get these downloads but we are not all open to the information, or we all tap into different bits, or get it at different times. What is so important is that the information is imperative to our evolution So important that we need to really start bringing things together. Combining Be the vision.
I’m Ready and making a call out to likeminded ones that are REALLY ready to get in touch and let’s do our bit. Collectively WE’RE A FORCE.

The spiritual revolution is the way we can visualise and create the world we want to create for the betterment of all. Now is the time. We must all do our best to get ourselves in line with the energy forces that are going to create a world where we help to manifest good overcoming evil.
It’s up to us. No more passing the buck. Let’s take our evolution into our own hands.
Ras Binghi Iword sending out the call.
Love to all.
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