Fibromyalgia was probably first described by Sir William Gowers as fibrositis, a condition characterised as soft tissue pain that could wander in the body and which was aggravated by overuse. Fibromyalgia is noteworthy for its characteristic painful nodules dubbed as trigger points that are particularly prevalent in the shoulder, neck and feet that are frequently of sufficient severity to limit physical activity. In Italy, it was noted that fibromyalgia, like migraine, was associated with secondary hyperalgesia, that is, a lowered threshold to pain in areas adjacent to the primarily affected parts.

Medical cannabis appears to be a safe and effective alternative for the treatment of fibromyalgia symptoms. Standardisation of treatment compounds and regimens are required. A look through recent published papers on the subject has revealed the following:
Cannabis or cannabinoids have been frequently utilised by fibromyalgia patients to treat its myriad symptoms. In an uncontrolled trial in nine patients, THC was administered in doses of 2.5–15 mg a day for 3 months, those completing the trial had marked reductions in subjective pain visual analog scales (VAS). A recent survey on efficacy of three regulatory body-approved pharmaceutical fibromyalgia treatments versus cannabis recently garnered in excess of 1300 respondents and is available online from the National Pain Report. Of the approved drugs for fibromyalgia, duloxetine and milnacipran are mixed serotonin and adrenergic uptake inhibitors, while pregabalin is an anticonvulsant drug repurposed to treat neuropathic pain. Results of the survey strongly favour cannabis over the poorly effective prescription medicines.

Herbal cannabis was utilised in an open-label manner in 28 fibromyalgia patients in comparison with an equal number of matched control patients in another report. Two hours after cannabis use, VAS scores showed a statistically significant reduction of pain and stiffness, enhancement of relaxation, and an increase in somnolence and feeling of well-being.
A report on the habits of cannabis consumption among fibromyalgia patients in Israel in 2018 an Internet-based questionnaire was posted to three large fibromyalgia Facebook groups in the country.
The conclusion was that Cannabis consumption (CC) among fibromyalgia patients in Israel is very common and is mostly not licensed. Nearly all CC reported favourable effects on pain and sleep, and few reported adverse effects or feeling of dependence on cannabis.
Research Results: Of 2,705 people, 383 (14%) responded to the questionnaire, with a mean age of 42.2 years. Of the responders, 84% reported consuming cannabis, and 80% of cannabis consumers (CC) smoked pure cannabis or cannabis mixed with tobacco. Pain relief was reported by 94% of CC, while 93% reported improved sleep quality, 87% reported improvement in depression and 62% reported improvement in anxiety. Adverse effects were reported by 12% of CC. Only 8% reported dependence on cannabis. Most CC (64%) worked either full- or part-time jobs and 74% reported driving “as usual” under cannabis use.

The options to carry out more research is vital, sadly the doctors in the UK are unable to open up to the results that their patients are presenting with regards to the benefits that they are physically experiencing through the use of cannabis medication.
Its for the people to make this happen as it has been in USA.
We must get the prescribing of medical cannabis passed over to the many qualified herbalist who have undergone years of study on the medicinal compounds within herbal plants of which cannabis is but just one of a thousand plus.
The people need to be sharing the results they are having, good or BAD. It is important because the ones providing you your cannabis products MUST know what they are doing, where the products came from, and the amounts and form of cannabinoids you should be taking that are tailored to your needs.
As I have mentioned in my previous blogs 30 plus years as a herbalist, vegan Rastafarian, the benefits of cannabinoids which strains, amounts, methods is not just something you get to understanding over a few weeks or months, but years of working with the herb as well as being aware of what pharmaceuticals may be part of an ongoing health programme.
We at LIVITY LIVING are happy to have a discussion with you on any specifics you may be wanting to clarify or alternatively we are able to provide one-to-one personal consultations. Please contact us for further information…
LIVITY LIVING – Life Natural
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